There are thousands of Kadampa practitioners and students around the world who can attest to the benefits of Kadampa Buddhism and meditation — how it has helped them develop resilience, increase their confidence, and find some genuine peace of mind. Here are some samples:

Overcoming insomnia with meditation

Dealing with the death of my mother

Dating with the help of wisdom

Naimah Hassan ~ the life and death of a modern Kadampa practitioner

Shelley: Cancer and Living in the Present Moment

A Mother’s Meditation Journey: Nurturing Autism

Solving Chronic Pain through Meditation: Tingy’s journey of healing


There is also a growing number of Podcasts with Kadampa teachers, including the Living Clarity Series

Here are a couple of other examples.



Check out Trust Pilot for some feedback on this site and testimonials on the New Kadampa Tradition as a whole.